Talks, papers, and other places where INSPIRE or related material was discussed
- The top 40 physics hits of 2012, Symmetry magazine, May 2013. [Link]
- Talk: How partnership accelerates Open Science: High-Energy-Physics and INSPIRE, a case study of a complex repository ecosystem given by Sünje Dallmeier-Tiessen and Bernard Hecker. OR2013 Prince Edward Island [Link to Summary, link to slides, link to paper]
- Talk: User Engagement, Enhanced Services, and Information Sharing at INSPIRE given by Thorsten Schwander. OR2012 Edinburgh [Link to agenda, Link to PDF, Link to Video (at 0:53:00)]
- Talk: Text Mining meets Crowd Sourcing: author disambiguation in High-Energy Physics given by Salvatore Mele. STM Innovations Seminar 2011, London [Link]
- Talk: INSPIRE: A new information system for High-Energy Physics. Lessons learnt. given by Salvatore Mele. OR2010 Madrid [Link to slides]
- INSPIRE: Realizing the Dream of a Global Digital Library in High-Energy Physics, by A. Holtkamp, S. Mele, T. Simko, T. Smith, presented at DML 2010 [Link to DML, Link to PDF]
- Talk: Organizing a Research Community with SPIRES: Where Repositories, Scientists and Publishers Meet given by Travis Brooks. Academic Publishing in Europe 2009 [Link to PDF]
- Information Resources in High-Energy Physics: Surveying the Present Landscape and Charting the Future Course. by A. Gentil-Beccot, S. Mele, A. Holtkamp, H O’Connell, T. Brooks (2009) [INSPIRE Link]
- Citing and Reading Behaviours in High-Energy Physics: How a Community Stopped Worrying about Journals and Learned to Love Repositories. by A. Gentil-Beccot, S. Mele, T. Brooks (2009) [INSPIRE Link]
- Innovation in Scholarly Communication: Vision and Projects from High-Energy Physics by R. Heuer, A. Holtkamp, and S. Mele (2008) [INSPIRE Link]
- Talk: Giving Researchers What they Want: SPIRES, High-energy physics and subject repositories by T. Brooks, at CERN workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI6) (2008) [INSPIRE Link]
- Symmetry Breaking posting about INSPIRE [Link]
- Original press release about the INSPIRE system [Link]
HEP information providers summits
AAHEP: Summit of Information Providers in Astronomy, Astrophysics and High Energy Physics is a series of meetings wherein INSPIRE and other projects are discussed by HEP information resource providers including journal publishers, arXiv, ADS, PDG, HEPDATA and others.
- Upcoming: Eighth Summit – September 2015 in Amsterdam [Link to event]
- Seventh Summit – April 2014 at Stony Brook University [Link to event]
- Sixth Summit – November 2012 at CERN [Link to event]
- Fifth Summit – September 2011 at Cornell University [Link to event]
- Fourth Summit – April 2010 at Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics [Link to event]
- Third Summit – May 2009 at Fermilab [Link to event]
- Second Summit – May 2008 at DESY [Link to event]
- First Summit – May 2007 at SLAC [Link to event]