Citation metrics

These are descriptions of (and information about) the citation metrics available in Invenio. You can find these metrics by clicking the toggle next to the sorting options at the top of any HEP Literature search or author profile page.


We currently display the following citation statistics for any group of papers.

Total number of citeable papers analyzed
This is simply the number of papers from your search that were counted in the HTML citesummary. This is the number used for averages, etc. Other papers may have been found, but may not have been eligible for citation tracking.
Total number of citations
Simply the total number of citations to the papers in your search.
Average citations per paper
The above two numbers as a ratio.
Total number of citations minus self-citations
This is the sum over all papers of the number of citations minus the number of citations to a paper by at least one of the coauthors of any paper. Things to note here:

  • If you are doing a citesummary for author A, the self-cites for her paper 1 are all papers citing paper 1 written by author A or her co-authors for any paper author A has written.
  • If there are more than 20 authors on a paper, the collaboration name is used to exclude cites from papers with the same collaboration name. Collaboration is not used for papers under 20 authors. If the paper has more than 20 authors and no collaboration name, only the first 20 authors are used. This will exclude most self citations from that same group, but will miss a few from individual authors later in the list. This is a rare case.
The h-index (or simply, ‘h’) is defined as the number of papers with citation number higher or equal to h. It is intended as a useful index to characterize the scientific output of a researcher. First proposed by Hirsch in physics/0508025, it is explained better there than here.
Total number of citations minus RPP:
This count excludes all citations to the Review of Particle Physics. Activate this by clicking the ‘Exclude Review of Particle Physics’ checkbox in the facets.

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