To ensure that works listed in your INSPIRE author profile are always pushed to your ORCID record, be sure to have the following before continuing:
- An ORCID (Open Researcher Contributor Identifier) iD, and
- An INSPIRE author profile
If your ORCID and INSPIRE author profile are coupled together in INSPIRE, you can then proceed to set ‘Export your INSPIRE works to ORCID’.
As your ORCID record will be kept up-to-date through ORCID’s interoperability with many scholarly communication systems used by publishers, funders, institutions, and other research-related services, your ORCID record will be always contain the latest information about all your work. Do the following, and you will be all set!
7 Steps to export your INSPIRE authored works to ORCID:
1) Log into INSPIRE by clicking on ‘Login’, and then ‘Login with ORCID’:
2) Log in by using your ORCID credentials, or
3) any linked account:
4) Click on ‘Account’, and select ‘My profile’:
5) In your author profile, click on ‘settings’:
6) In the Settings pop-up window, use the slider button to set ‘Export your INSPIRE works to ORCID’:
7) Confirm with ‘OK’:
From now on, your INSPIRE works, for which you have claimed authorship, will be automatically exported to your ORCID account:
Note: following your request, you will not see the result immediately – depending on load, the maximum wait time would be 48hr.
Contact us if you have any questions.