Have you found an INSPIRE record that contains incorrect or missing information in INSPIRE? See the instructions below (organized by INSPIRE collection) to determine whether you can correct the information yourself or it must be submitted to the INSPIRE team through a form. For information on submitting new content to INSPIRE, see this help page.
Everything else (Seminars, Conferences, Institutions, Experiments, Journals, etc.)
We divide corrections into those related to citations and references, and all other issues. Please treat them as indicated below.
Issue: You need to add, correct, and/or update citations or references
There are several ways to perform this type of correction. Please consult the dedicated help page for more information.
Issue: You need to add publication information to YOUR paper
If it is an eprint, you should add the publisher DOI and the publication information to the arXiv record as in the figure below. This will automatically flow through to INSPIRE.
Issue: You need to add, correct, or update other metadata
For corrections other than citations and references, click the ‘Report metadata issues‘ link at the bottom of INSPIRE search and record pages. This will take you to a form to submit a ticket to the INSPIRE team.
- Select ‘Report missing or incorrect information’
- Add the link to the affected record
- Select the appropriate issue from the following options:
- References and citations (see the dedicated help page for more details on correcting references)
- Other information on a paper (wrong affiliations, typos, LaTex issues…)
- The information is outdated (my paper has been published, please update it)
- Information in author profile (claiming, profile management, ORCID… See the section below for details on correcting author profiles)
- Be sure to identify the paper or record that has a problem in a unique way (DOI, journal reference, eprint number, report number, Author Identifier, INSPIRE ID, etc.) and clearly explain what the problem is and how you suggest it should be resolved.
Issue: You have no author profile in INSPIRE, or you want to update the information in your author profile.
Follow the instructions to Create an INSPIRE author profile.
To update your author profile, see the “edit” button in the final screenshot of the link above.
Issue: You want to claim/reject papers in your profile
Claim authorship of a paper to your INSPIRE author profile (links to instructions for related actions are separated out below):
- Confirm authorship of papers listed in your INSPIRE author profile
- Remove papers listed in your INSPIRE author profile, hence confirming that you are NOT the author/co-author
- Claim authorship of papers listed under someone else’s INSPIRE author profile to your author profile
- Claim authorship of papers from a literature search or detailed literature record.
Issue: You have a profile, but the profile does not have your ORCID, or you login with your ORCID but INSPIRE says it can’t find your profile.
You need to add your ORCID to INSPIRE. Go to this form.
- Select ‘Report missing or incorrect information’
- Add the link to the affected author profile
- Select the option ‘Information in author profile (claiming, profile management, ORCID…)’
- Tell us you are submitting your ORCID
Issue: You have multiple profiles in INSPIRE or any other problems concerning your identity in INSPIRE not covered above.
Go to this form
- Select ‘Report missing or incorrect information’
- Add the link to the affected author profile
- Select the option ‘Information in author profile (claiming, profile management, ORCID…)’
- Clearly explain what the problem is and how you suggest it should be resolved.
Issue: You want to push your claimed papers in INSPIRE to ORCID
Please see Export your INSPIRE works to ORCID.
Issue: You cannot login to your ORCID account
Please see the ORCID help page.
Issue: You need to update a job entry you submitted yourself.
You can update jobs entries (including the deadline, description, etc.) that you have submitted yourself when logged in with ORCID. If you no longer want a job posting to appear in the search results, you can “remove” it by marking it as closed.
Issue: You need to update a job entry you did not submit yourself.
If you need to submit a correction to a job entry that you did not submit yourself (e.g., an entry submitted by a colleague who is no longer with your institution), use this form.
- Select ‘Report missing or incorrect information’
- Add the link to the affected job entry
- Select from the options ‘Other information on a paper (wrong affiliations, typos, LaTex issues…)‘ or ‘The information is outdated (my paper has been published, please update it)‘
- Clearly explain what the problem is and how you suggest it should be resolved. Please also clarify why you are submitting a correction through the form, rather than updating the entry yourself as the original submitter.
Correcting anything else (seminars, conferences, institutions, experiments, journals, etc.)
To submit a correction to a record from any other collection, use this form.
- Select ‘Report missing or incorrect information’
- Add the link to the affected record.
- Select from the options ‘Other information on a paper (wrong affiliations, typos, LaTex issues…)‘ or ‘The information is outdated (my paper has been published, please update it)‘
- Clearly explain what the problem is and how you suggest it should be resolved.
Note that INSPIRE uses standardized names for records in these collections, so your name change suggestions may not be implemented.